
Posted: July 12, 2017

Case Study: Southern Linc

Southern Linc, a subsidiary of Southern Company, provides wireless communications to Alabama Power, Georgia Power, Gulf Power and Mississippi Power as well as to a wide range of government and business organizations within their 127,000 square-mile coverage area. Southern Linc is currently constructing a new 4G LTE Advanced network, requiring the installation of more than ...

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Posted: June 22, 2017

Plug Power showcases GSEs at Tennessee Clean Air Month Festivities

In connection with Clean Air Month, the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC), Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT), and Tennessee Clean Fuels hosted a sustainable transportation forum in downtown Nashville. The day featured a showcase of alternative fuel vehicles, including the Plug Power ProGen-powered ground support equipment (GSE), currently operating in Charlatte tuggers at ...

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Posted: June 20, 2017

Plug Power West Hosts Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers

On Monday, June 19th, Plug Power’s Spokane, WA office hosted a visit from Representative McMorris Rodgers during a technology tour she was taking in her home district.  Sitting at the forefront of innovation, the Plug Power team was excited to highlight the paradigm-changing work done on a daily basis, in engineering, manufacturing and market creation. ...

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Posted: June 12, 2017

Market Trends are Driving European GenKey Product Adoption

Plug Power has expanded its GenKey ‘power, fuel, serve’ product suite in Europe in response to market trends that are influencing increased customer adoption. In support of the GenDrive European portfolio, Plug Power now offers its CE-certified GenFuel indoor dispensers and outdoor fueling stations, as well as a fully-operational SiteView fleet monitoring system. European customers ...

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Posted: June 7, 2017

Diving into Plug Power’s SiteView IoT Tool

Plug Power has discussed SiteView, its proprietary suite of IoT tools over the past months, as a tool that provides game-changing fleet diagnostics, fueling data, and performance metrics to our GenCare customers. We’ve discussed how SiteView: Tracks everything, from the upcoming maintenance schedule, to daily hydrogen fuel dispensing Allows Plug Power to be proactive on ...

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Posted: May 30, 2017

Plug Power at UTC Telecom & Technology

The first week in May is UTC Telecom & Technology week, where utility telecommunications professionals gather to share best practices and learn about new technology impacting the industry.  Plug Power has been working with utilities since 2008, providing backup power to utility communication equipment in all four corners of the United States, most notably through ...

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Posted: May 17, 2017

Reiterating Guidance from Andy Marsh

There has been some misinformation circulated today and I’d like to take the opportunity to clarify our plans for this year. We have provided the following guidance for the Company in February of 2017, and reiterated the metrics in March, April and May.

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